Fakultas Pascasarjana

Hukum Keluarga (Akhwalul Syaksiyah) (S2)


Struktur Kurikulum

Filsafat Ilmu dan Metode Berpikir 2 SKS
Metodologi Hukum Islam (Ushul Fiqh) 3 SKS
Pendekatan Studi Islam 2 SKS
Sejarah Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam 3 SKS
Tafsir dan Hadis Ahkam 2 SKS
Teori Hukum 3 SKS

Hukum Keluarga di Dunia Islam 3 SKS
Hukum Tata Negara dan Otonomi 2 SKS
Metode Penelitian Tesis 2 SKS
Perbandingan Sistem Hukum 3 SKS
Sejarah Hukum Peradilan di Indonesia 2 SKS
Sejarah Sosial Hukum Islam (Sosiologi Hukum Islam) 3 SKS
Ushul Fiqh dan Qawaid Fiqhiyah 2 SKS

Kapita Selekta Hukum Islam 2 SKS
Mediasi dan Advokasidalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi 2 SKS
Politik Hukum dan HAM 2 SKS
Seminar Proposal 2 SKS
Sosiologi Dan Psikologi 2 SKS

Tesis 6 SKS
Program Unggulan

If filmmaking is your passion but you never went to film school you’ve come to the right place. Here, you will get hands-on experience and acquire skills that you never would’ve elsewhere like learning how to make feature films on your own, making do with any equipment, and doing it all faster and better.

Program Unggulan

If filmmaking is your passion but you never went to film school you’ve come to the right place. Here, you will get hands-on experience and acquire skills that you never would’ve elsewhere like learning how to make feature films on your own, making do with any equipment, and doing it all faster and better.

Program Unggulan

If filmmaking is your passion but you never went to film school you’ve come to the right place. Here, you will get hands-on experience and acquire skills that you never would’ve elsewhere like learning how to make feature films on your own, making do with any equipment, and doing it all faster and better.

Prospek Karir
Kompetensi Lulusan


William U.
Advanced Educator
1350 Students
26 Courses

William U. Peña, MBA, CISSP No. 349867, is a former college professor and the lead instructor at Dion Training Solutions.

William U.
Advanced Educator
1350 Students
26 Courses

William U. Peña, MBA, CISSP No. 349867, is a former college professor and the lead instructor at Dion Training Solutions.

Download Sertifikat Akreditasi Jalur Penerimaan
Informasi Akademik:
Masa Studi
4 Tahun (8 Semester)
Jumlah SKS
144 SKS
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