Fakultas : Ushuluddin dan Adab

Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir (S1)

About Course

If filmmaking is your passion but you never went to film school you’ve come to the right place. Here, you will get hands-on experience and acquire skills that you never would’ve elsewhere like learning how to make feature films on your own, making do with any equipment, and doing it all faster and better.


You will be taught the full process of filmmaking starting from planning, filming, and editing. Not only that but you will learn how to make films that look way more expensive than they are without spending a whole lot of time or money on them. In this course, we’ll focus on a few different forms of films from video ads, to movie trailers to travel vlogs, you name it.

In addition to that, we’ll also go over Adobe Premiere Pro in detail so that you get an idea of all that you need to know to become an editing genius. And, if you feel like you’re stuck at any point then you can always ask for guidance and I’ll reply as soon as possible.

With this course, you also have access to a whole lot of resources not only for reference but also free media like aerial video shots, background music, fonts, and more. These all come with proper licensing so you can use them in your production worry free.

What Will You Learn?

Learn the basics of computer programming

Differences between ads, trailers, vlogs, etc

Learn JavaScript

Learn CSS

Tools you need for best results

Struktur Kurikulum

Bahasa Arab 3 SKS
Bahasa Indonesia 2 SKS
Filsafat Ilmu 2 SKS
Hadits Studies 2 SKS
Ilmu Kalam 2 SKS
Ilmu Ushul Fiqih 2 SKS
Kajian Kitab Kuning 1 0 SKS
Metode Membaca Kitab 2 SKS
Metodologi Studi Islam 3 SKS
Pancasila 2 SKS
Program Pengembangan Tilawatil Qur'an (PPTQ) 1 0 SKS
Qur'an Studies 2 SKS

Bahasa Inggris 3 SKS
Cirebon Studies 2 SKS
Cyber Culture 2 SKS
Ilmu - Ilmu Al-Qur'an Klasik 2 SKS
Ilmu Tasawuf dan Psikoterapi 2 SKS
Ilmu-Ilmu Hadits 2 SKS
Kajian Al-Qur'an Berbasis Teknologi Informasi 2 SKS
Kajian Kitab Kuning 2 0 SKS
Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam 2 SKS
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2 SKS
Program Pengembangan Tilawatil Qur'an (PPTQ) 2 0 SKS
Tahsin dan Hifdz Al-Qur'an 2 SKS

Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya 2 SKS
Hermeneutika 2 SKS
Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Kontemporer 3 SKS
Kaedah Tafsir 2 SKS
Kajian Kitab Hadis Berbasis Digital 2 SKS
Kajian Kitab Tafsir Klasik - Pertengahan 2 SKS
Metode dan Pemikiran Tafsir 3 SKS
Metode Pentashihan Mushaf Al-Quran 2 SKS
Praktek Ibadah 1 0 SKS
Studi Agama Agama 2 SKS
Tafsir Tematik Telologis dan Falsafi 2 SKS
William U.
Advanced Educator
1350 Students
26 Courses

William U. Peña, MBA, CISSP No. 349867, is a former college professor and the lead instructor at Dion Training Solutions.

William U.
Advanced Educator
1350 Students
26 Courses

William U. Peña, MBA, CISSP No. 349867, is a former college professor and the lead instructor at Dion Training Solutions.


Total 2 Ratings
25 Rating
20 Rating
5 Rating
2 Rating
1 Rating
William U.
a week ago

I still have a lot of studying to do using this course and the other practice exams, but so far it's been great! I have not taken my Security+ exam as well, so I'll update this at a later time.

William U.
a week ago

I still have a lot of studying to do using this course and the other practice exams, but so far it's been great! I have not taken my Security+ exam as well, so I'll update this at a later time.


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This course includes:
Gelar Akademik
S.Pd. (Sarjana Pendidikan)
Masa Studi
4 Tahun (8 Semester)
Jumlah SKS
144 SKS
29 October, 2023 Last Update
Certificate of completion